So What Happened?

So What Happened? Why have we been offline for so long?

Well! About 6 months ago we received an email from our server in the UK stating “due to catastrophic failure of our servers we have lost all of your websites”, “please send us your backups”.. (insert roll eyes smiley here!)

Well that seems an easy fix, we can just send all of our backups and get everything back online. Not so fast! The month before we lost our hard drive on our computer and although we had all of the listings etc. backed up, we did not have the web sites.. DOH! Although we did have them backed up on the server.

So in short, due to server error and our stupidity on not having an offline backup we have lost 8 years of work. It all happened in peak high season and its only now as we are coming into low season, we have found time to rebuild the websites that we run / manage online.

We do apologize to our clients, it was a royal pain in the a** and now we are getting things back to normal.

A lot has happened over the last 6 months and we are starting to get that information online, as well as new listings and up to date news on what’s happening on Koh Rong.

Thanks again for your patience, we are backing up daily and hope to meet you on Koh Rong Island very soon.

Kind Regards Brad King +855 86 223 111

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