Warning Regarding Koh Rong Land Purchasing.
To all clients and interested investors.
Over the last few weeks there has been some issues on Koh Rong regarding land ownership in certain areas.
Following this, there have been arrests made by the Anti Corruption Unit of some of the government Island officials in charge of those certain areas..
Not all areas have been affected, but since there is now no clarity on what land is deemed correct, we have decided to stop selling land without hard title. Any prior purchases made by our clients are fine as they have all the correct stamps, signatures and owner history.
Prior to buying land on Koh Rong please do full due diligence on every area prior to purchase. We are happy to assist with this and answer any questions we can.
We have been told that over the next few months there will be full clarification on what is deemed sale able and what areas will be taken for private development and or returned to the local people.
There are always some issues in regards to new frontiers and we are told full clarification will be made public over the coming months.
Our main concern is not being able to guarantee anything with soft title until the government re access the recent issues which they are currently in the process of doing that now on the island.
Thank You.